Author Topic: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking  (Read 8391 times)

Offline CarefreeSadie

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #30 on: July 19, 2017, 02:43:23 PM »
Well,  we've used TP for casting over rubber stamps ... I bet someone out there has stamped on it!  Ha!  I've thought about stamping napkins ... but you'd have to be careful of ink ... maybe archival?

I hate to admit this but for the bridal showers of all my children I had stamps made with the bride and grooms name and date and stamped napkins........LOL....I used pigment ink and laid them out to dry overnight.......For one wedding I made little boxes (150) for m & ms and stamped different things on the sides with their names and wedding date......I am such a dork!  For one wedding I got 50 large X and O (12 inches high) and covered them in valentine paper on both sides to sit on the tables........I have no idea what she did with them, she took them home with her after the reception.....LOL
You know it's been a good day when I haven't released the flying monkeys.......

Offline Iring

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #31 on: July 19, 2017, 06:35:28 PM »
Ok Sadie, if you're a dork then I am too, because I've crafted two weddings!  Thank goodness I only have two kids.  I don't think I can do another wedding!  Your kiddoa were lucky to have hand stamped napkins!
« Last Edit: July 19, 2017, 07:05:06 PM by Iring »

Offline Iring

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #32 on: July 19, 2017, 07:20:46 PM »
New topic: Is there a type of image or stamp/die that you want but no one is selling?  A product idea no one is making? In what areas should the stamp industry expand? 
(Feel free to keep going with your own topics and questions)

Hmmm, I can't think of any.  I can't remember looking for something, thinking I wish I had xxx stamp and not being able to find one.  Maybe that's why I haven't carved any stamps.  I have a tool and a slab o' rubber but I don't know what I'd carve!

Areas for expansion ...  do you think large stamps are coming back?  Maybe for stamping on fabric (say a onesie)?  I don't know that I'd do it ... except maybe one day if I get some grandbabies?  Does anyone remember Hot Potatoes?  She stamped on velvet on the Carol Duval show.

Hey!  Guess what?!  I googled "Hot Potatoes" to verify I had the name of the company right, and look what I found ... an article about Hot Potatoes and Mary O'Neil!

I think maybe Julie Fei Fan Balzer could be heading that direction with her foamies.  Has anyone used those?

Offline stampwilly

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #33 on: July 19, 2017, 09:04:57 PM »
There is a stamp I have been looking for and can't find a good one of. I want a sweet looking realistic baby chick. The ones I have seen are too cartoonish or the real looking ones are not sweet looking! LOL! If you know of a good one, please let me know.

What keeps me stamping is I have a lot of birthdays to send cards for, then my Christmas cards, and my design team. Making cards is my therapy! They say stamping is cheaper than therapy, but I doubt that! LOL! Anyway, it IS good therapy! :smile:

April :smile:

Offline howdyheidi

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #34 on: July 20, 2017, 06:54:56 AM »
I think what I like about stamping and cardmaking is that it is a creative outlet that is small in scale and you CAN do it all day but you can make something from start to finish in a small chunk of time too.  Like this week I have been really busy, but I still have had time to make some cards (and hope to still do all the challenges!!).

I like it when something new comes onto the market that allows me to use my stamps in different ways.  That is why I liked the prima watercolor crayons and the distress oxides.  I use them with my stamps, but get different effects.

I'm not sure if there is any suggestions I would have for the stamping industry.  April, the baby chick stamp sounds like a good one. I would like some more unusual animals and flowers to be made.  And I have seen some interesting European stamp companies and it would be nice if we could get their stamps more easily.

I have not used the foamies and I wonder if they are going to catch on.  I think that stamping on kids clothing for a summer craft would be a good idea. 

Definitely papercrafts for parties and wedding is still a big thing. 

Have any of your friends who were not doing cards or stamping become interested in it because of you?

Offline howdyheidi

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #35 on: July 20, 2017, 07:01:29 AM »
Sadie said something about looking on Pinterest and then finding satisfaction from making the project without buying the new items.  That is a great challenge!

It made me think of a blogger I follow who sometimes uses a card she received (store bought) as inspiration and then creates a home made card.  I thought that looked fun.

Here is an example of one of her posts:

Offline howdyheidi

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #36 on: July 20, 2017, 07:03:50 AM »
I did remember of one project I would like. I purchased the March My Monthly Hero kit from Hero Arts.

I just LOVE the style the drawings for the animals in this kit. They look like little storybook images and I have been hoping that the artist who drew these would do more images in that style. 

Offline stampwilly

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #37 on: July 20, 2017, 11:50:54 AM »
Heidi, I looked on the link to the blogger who cases store bought cards. I loved how she made her card with her own supplies! Great idea!

I did have a lady in my Sunday school class who wanted to make cards after seeing mine. She went right out and bought cutting machines, etc! She ended up mostly making her cards with all die cuts, but she has done a great job.

Heidi, I am with you about stamping and cardmaking being small scale. I do much better with that and that is another reason I love stamping. And then there are so many fun techniques that you can do too, so i don't get bored!

April :smile:

Offline Iring

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #38 on: July 20, 2017, 12:29:20 PM »
Heehee, yes, I corrupted at least one friend.  We used to scrapbook together ... and then sometimes if I couldn't get my stuff together to scrapbook (too overwhelming) I would bring stamping instead.  Now she is a SU demonstrator! 

Speaking of SU, I bought the
Storybook Friends set (retired :()

because I like the storybook look of the animals.  And yes, as soon as I saw that March Hero Arts kit, I loved those bunnies!  I think it sold out quick though and I didn't get it.

Offline Iring

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #39 on: July 20, 2017, 12:35:00 PM »
The "store bought card as inspiration" idea would be a fun challenge someday.

Offline howdyheidi

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #40 on: July 20, 2017, 01:02:46 PM »
I have had three friends over occasionally to stamp cards.  One of them decided recently she wants to do more of it. I haven't seen her to see if she purchased some stuff yet. I was going to see if she wanted a few things from my stash.

Cindi, I do like your storybook stamps, especially the lamb.  The march kit did sell out quickly. I was glad I wasn't indecisive about it.  I have a niece who loves rabbits, so I knew I could at least make her cards with it.

Offline Craft Nerd

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #41 on: July 20, 2017, 09:03:27 PM »
Cindi - I loved watching Mary O'Neil on the Carol Duvall show.  But that was before I started stamping.  I had to google the foamies, and my thought was meh.

Heidi - I've made cards before based upon store bought cards that I really liked the design of. 

I too was tempted by the Hero Arts' March kit, but I didn't end up getting it.  And those storybook stamps are cute. 

Corrupting friends is fun.   ;D

Is there a type of image or stamp/die that you want but no one is selling? 

My problem is refraining from buying more stuff when I have so many stamps that haven't been inked yet.  I don't tend to have a problem finding stamps I want.  Although I do occationally have a problem finding a stamp in my stash that is exactly what I want for a project. And then I have to resist the urge to go out and buy the "perfect" stamp to fit my vision.

Offline Far North

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #42 on: July 21, 2017, 10:33:32 AM »

    AIR 2017 Host
Re: Share a Tip/Ask for a tip
« Reply #23 on: Today at 04:56:49 AM »

Heidi asked:  “How do you curtail your spending once you have a nice stash of supplies? “

I think this relates to your first question of how things have changed in the stamping  world since we first started.  Back then all that was available to buy was stamps, black ink, embossing ink and gold embossing powder. Freebie paper cutoffs were available from the print shop.  It took several years before colored inks and markers entered my world. Oh my, how the development of technology and marketing have changed our world AND now even after the move I have an abundance of supplies and tools.

To reduce my spending I took time to determine my purpose in stamping and made a plan.  I thought about a lot of things such as why do I create cards?  Do I enjoy the creative process?  Do I want to make other stamped items too?  How many cards do I want to create regularly?  Do I want to be on a design team?   Do my supplies and tools match my interests or do I buy mostly because it is the latest rage?
Tips-Personally I have found making less visits to craft stores is very helpful. I have defined a few types of products that I choose not to use….glitter, crayons and chalk and do not spend money on purchasing more.  I am also working on determining a ballpark number how many types of a product do I need…can I eliminate some multiple cutting tools?  Embossing powders?  Can I justify more stamps, dies and stencils if I am only making a small amount of cards yearly?  What about all the different products that can be used for embossing with stencils.
Perhaps I should consider creating stamped items for RAKs.

One of the old sayings from stampers was “stamping is cheaper than going to a therapist”  not sure it is still true!


Offline howdyheidi

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #43 on: July 22, 2017, 01:08:28 PM »
Good tips about spending and creating priorities for your own crafting. 

I think this fest has been really fun!  I still have one challenge left to do.  Don't forget about the Christmas/Winter Hoidays in July challenge going the whole month.  Also, April is signed up to do a monthly challenge for August and there is a thread where you can sign up for other months.  Or just make a challenge yourself for any amount of time. :)
« Last Edit: July 22, 2017, 01:12:58 PM by howdyheidi »

Offline Iring

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Re: AIR17 Chatting about stamping and cardmaking
« Reply #44 on: July 23, 2017, 08:36:25 PM »
I think this fest has been really fun!

Me too!

I just looked and at 9:30pm Eastern there are 54 files in the AIR 2017 album.  I think we've had a pretty productive week!  It feels good to use some of the things I haven't used in a long, long time. 

Heidi, thanks for mentioning the challenges that will continue on ... let's keep the creativity flowing!